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Maths Support

Oxford Owl Maths - including an online maths dictionary

The Oxford University Press has developed this site to support parents in helping their children with mathematics. You'll find lots of advice and support, games and activity ideas for how best to help your child develop as a mathematician. There's also information on what is taught in primary school maths lessons, and what some of the 'jargon' means!

Playing Maths Games

Have you seen our list of online games and activities that your child can enjoy wherever they have Internet access? You can access it below!

Maths games don't have to be computer-based, though. There are lots of ways in which you can bring maths to life for your child through simple games and activities. Whether out shopping, using the context of money to help develop your child's skills, or helping them to better understand measurement when baking or putting together the new rabbit's hutch, there's always an opportunity for a 'maths moment'!

Board games can be great for developing a child's maths skills too! Playing these can be a really powerful way for young children to become comfortable with our number system, spotting patterns and literally playing with numbers.

Some of our favourite board games (and others) are shown below...

Snakes and Ladders
Shut the Box