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Year 4

 Staff  2024-25

Class Teacher  
Mrs MacPhee
Learning Support
Mrs Bice


Welcome to our Year 4 Class Page

It is the start of an exciting year with lots of fun things to learn and many skills to develop.  

Parents: On this class page you will find details of what your child will be learning and taking part in. There are also some tips on how you can support your child to have the best learning experience. 

PE days 

PE days are on: 

Tuesday (indoor PE) and Thursday (outdoor PE)  

Please ensure your child comes into school wearing the correct PE kit.  This includes: 

  • Blue t-shirts with the school logo  

  • Navy shorts (dark blue tracksuits may be worn in cold weather or for cultural reasons) 

  • White socks (which must be changed from their normal school socks) 

  • Trainers 


Children will get new reading books either Tuesdays or Thursdays. 

At home children should be reading daily. Please record when you read with them in their reading diary.  

Children will go to the school library every Monday.  


Every Thursday homework will be given out.

Homework is due back the following Tuesday.

Homework will consist of:

Spellings which will be tested on Mondays

Maths: TTRS or a worksheet based on x tables 

Timetables practice

Children should be practicing timestables on TTRS everyday for 5-10 minutes. Children will be given their logins so they can practice at home.  

If your child cannot practice TTRS at home, please let class teacher know so access arrangements can be made. 

Children will be tested on their times tables every Tuesday. 


Wishing you a happy start to the new school year and looking forward to see you all!